Thursday, November 15, 2012

Memoir -Part 1

Author Christina Sell, in Yoga from the Inside Out, opened her heart to discuss the issues of self-image and all its facets. Specifically, Sell addresses body image and how it has impacted her life and the lives of those she interacts with. In the book, Sell begins by discussing her personal struggle with body image, in which she’s exclaims developed as a result of her mother placing a tremendous emphasis on having the perfect physique.  As result, she grew up exhausting all of her energy in hopes of obtaining and maintaining such attributes. This then led to Christina engaging in various acts - drugs, alcohol, binging, purging, bulimia, and overly exercising in hopes of achieving bodily perfection. As a woman, I can completely relate and identify with Christina’s struggle for self-love and acceptance. I don’t think any woman in American society can honestly say that they are a hundred percent satisfied with their body, for there is always something that we as woman and some men, would like to improve or make better. Personally, I would like to gain a little more weight and add to the assets God has already given me. However, I am confident and secure enough within myself to accept me and love who God has created me to be. Moreover, this story forces me and other readers to evaluate the amount of value we place on our physical appearance.

I absolutely loved the section entitled The Surrender mainly because it spoke to the process of healing. Whenever a person goes through a traumatic situation it is oftentimes common for them to place such an event in their subconscious as a way of escaping the pain. Christina, in Yoga from the Inside Out, suggest that in order to heal and move forward, a person must be willing to first acknowledge their situation. Once a person is able to acknowledge that a problem exists they are better able to take the necessary steps toward recovery. This notation of recovery is essentially allowing one’s self to abandon their old way of thinking or living in order to heal completely. During this period of recovery, the individual is encouraged to engage in self-help and to seek assistance from a higher being, God.

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